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Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Of all the trash & garbage

It’s saddening and regrettable that the Philippines is one of the countries among five (is it in the ASEAN region?) that contribute to pollution in the seas because of plastic trash/garbage that are thrown into the ocean. Even Boracay beach is polluted because of wastes thrown into the waters that prompted the government to close the holidays there. Are the stretches of Kusiong beach at Datu Odin Sinsuat in Maguindanao that environmentally clean? One could get itch in taking  a swim in Talomo beach in Davao City.

One thing is obvious. Many Filipinos, including commercial/industrial firms, have not yet developed the culture of environmental care in the surroundings… except perhaps at our vey homes. Go around our city and we see litters on the side streets and in canals with all those plastic bottles and food wrappers. Worst we see a stray animals that discharge their urine and feces in the open, thus, can cause diseases carried by flood waters.
Yes, we see street sweepers on the street and main thoroughfares in our barangays, but after the sweeping, the areas are dirtied again because of wanton and discriminating littering by unconscientious people. Yes, we have anti-littering ordinances but how are these strictly enforced? Yes, we have floodings because our geographical setting is a catch basin of flood waters, and partly because canals are being clogged by trash and garbage.
When do we develop the culture of cleanliness or environmental care? When do we imbibe the movement: “Tapat ng bahay ay linis ko.” Is it a heavy burden to dispose trash and garbage properly? Are the open fields or streets the proper discharge of litters?
There is the saying that “cleanliness is next to godliness.” How good are we at this? When canals overflow because of clogging, then we call on the government to clean up the mess when in fact people contribute to this mess. Remember that pollution is man-made and not the work of nature… nature could clean its own mess if it does.

Let us learn our lessons for if not we become the victims of our own mess. Put your trash, garbage, and dirts into the proper places or you become a trash in yourself. Polllution kills the environment from where we gather the resources for survival. So, what’s gonna be this time? Let us be ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE.
We pray that those irresponsible will transform themselves into RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS --- to clean their own dirt.

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